
Help Selecting a System

The quickest and easiest way to find the right system is to use our New Product Selector Widget.

To use the simple Product Selector Widget, simply select the relevant three variables (Fuel tank size, Power Options and Required Installation) from the drop down options and click search. The relevant models meeting the specified criteria will be listed.

Of course, if you would prefer to discuss your options with a member of the WASP PFS Sales Team, please do not hesitate to contact us on:

+44(0)1923 606 600 or email: sales@wasp-pfs.com.

If you are new to fuel polishing, trying to decipher which system will best suit your requirements and budget can be quite daunting.

We recommend viewing our Guide to Fuel Polishing, which offers advice and information on fuel polishing, fuel contamination, specifications, housekeeping tips and how our systems work.

Which Fuel Polishing System do I need?

The system you need will vary based on the following factors:

  • Tank size and fuel amount
  • The speed which it needs to be cleaned
  • Power (12v, 24v, 220v)
  • Type of generator (main generators, day generators and boats)
  • Location of fuel tank ie internal or external
  • Other important factors - portable unit, stair climbing unit
  • Additional items you may not have considered - drip tray, automatic change over, fieldbus communication, dosing control
  • Specifications (fieldbus communication etc)
  • Budget

What makes us unique is by designing and building our own systems, we have the flexibility and expertise to design and manufacture products specific to your budget, requirements and specifications. View some examples of bespoke systems.

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How Does It Work?

Learn more about WASP Fuel Polishing Systems

Which Fuel Polishing System?

Try our interactive product selector

WASP Power and Filtration Solutions - supplying fuel polishing systems, filters, additives, pumps, side stream filtration, fuel testing services, generator servicing and oil change systems.

+44(0)1923 606600

North Orbital Commercial Park St Albans, Herts, AL1 1XB, UK