1st May 2016

Market leaders WASP PFS are at the forefront of the industry due to their dedication to continually innovate and further advance filtration technology.

After extensive trials over an 18 month period in collaboration with our British filter element manufacturer, a media exclusive to WASP PFS has been developed which further improves filtration of our W-FCF filters.

The innovative project was focused around three key areas of importance:

  1. Water removal (Free & Emulsified)
  2. Particulate removal to ISO 18/16/13
  3. Reduce total filter flow restriction

The new media produced a 10% increase in emulsified water separation efficiency in a single pass test to give a 99% Efficiency and a 15% increase in flow (lower restriction).

The filter is rated at 2 micron Absolute so will meet and exceed the ISO 18/16/13,  which is the Internationally recognised method of solid particulate count in fuel.

The New Exclusive Media Filters (which is fittingly for WASP, coloured yellow), will be fully introduced across the W-FCF and WASP Premium W-PFS and WB Classic ranges of Fuel Polishing Systems by 1st August 2016.